Communication Skills:

I have always been a people person. I find I can communicate effectively and naturally both with close friends when we talk about our interests and in professional settings. I have always found myself to be an effective writer and debater and my love for expressing my thoughts into words is one of the reasons that I want to teach.

Problem Solving Skills:

I have never been one to shy away from a challenge. In both my work life and in my academic life I have always faced whatever has been thrown at me head on. I like to look at thing methodically and I am great at breaking large problems down into pieces that I can understand and complete them in what I see to be the most effective and efficient manner.


This ties in with my communication skill. I have always been one who both heavily contributes to and benefits from a teamwork environment. The ability for me to bounce ideas off of others to get different perspectives helps to create the most balanced solution to any problem.

Work Ethic:

I have always been a hard worker. No matter what it is that I am doing I give it 110%. I do not shy away from new challenges and new responsibilities and I will work hard and compete for the result that I want. I handle constructive criticism extremely well and I often ask for it whenever I feel I have something to learn or something more to be gained in order to make sure that I am always improving upon myself.


Politics: staying up to date and being engaged with the community, as well as national and international affairs.

Music: both listening to and making music. It is my favourite hobby.

Writing: I enjoy writing essays and generally putting my thoughts into words.

Baseball: both watching and playing my favourite sport.